Wednesday, August 11, 2010

'How Not to Fail at Frugality'

So this blog piece:

'How Not to Fail at Frugality'

... drones on about how buying stuff from Starbucks really isn't a good idea when you are having saving/income issues and even goes on to suggest that you make your own washer detergent as an example of how you could also be frugal.


Common sense frugality follows here:

1. Common sense: stop buying gourmet coffee if you are having savings/income issues. Understand this: you don't need Starbucks. Buy something cheaper (like 7-11 stuff), make your own, or simply do without. But buying anything from a coffeehouse is a luxury; if you cannot afford it, then you shouldn't be buying it.

2. Common sense: don't make your own detergent, just plan out better purchases of it. That blogger never touches on the hassle, effort, and actual fuel costs of making your own detergent. Even if you make minimum wage, you are probably better off simply putting in the extra hour of time at work and finding a good deal on detergent at a store.

When I see Sears selling their 17 pound box of the stuff for $10-12, I pick one up when I'm already going to be in the area buying other stuff AND I make sure I get one before I run out. Piece of cake. Plan out your purchases and trips to make them and you'll save just as much money. And your sanity, as well.

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